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Blog posts of '2015' 'October'

Myodesopsies: vitreal moving floaters - Comments (0)


With “vitreal floaters” we intend the visual disorder due to which we have the feeling of seeing some dark floating objects, of various shapes, that escape when we try to stare at them.

The floaters are caused by the densification of jelly structure in vitreous body , filaments of various shapes are formed , that fluctuate projecting a shape upon the retina. Those objects are more or less visible depending on their density, conditions of light of the environment and surface we are staring at. they are more visible looking at bright surfaces, or in presence of strong lighting , as for example blue sky or white wall. Very often they can be visible in conditions of low lighting and with eyes closed.

This disorder is mainly due to age, connected with other factors as shortsightedness, ocular trauma, metabolic disorders.


What to do

Although they are not dangerous for sight, we cannot underevaluate myodesopsies, so it is a good advice to go to the eye doctor for a deep visit. Nowadays it doesn’t exist a specific cure for the treatment of myodesopsies. However , some simple advices can be taken to mitigate the bothering and to slow down its evolution . To choose a nutritional supplement made of mineral salts, vitamins and amino acids could be a valid help , like Optovitreo di OptoX. The aim is to stimulate collagen of the kind II, naturally present in vitreous, regeneration, to protect the collagen fibers and tissues against the attack of harmful enzymes and to potentiate the defenses.

It is fundamental to have a “postive” behaviour that helps a lot in coexistence with this disorder. It is necessary to ignore the myodesopsies, vitreal floaters trusting in brain’s adaptability that, with time passing, learns to eliminate these images. Futhermore we recommend to go on a diet rich in fruit and vegetables and poor in animal fats and to drink a lot of water. 


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ottica scauzillo

Shortsightedness: let's spend 3 hours in open air - Comments (0)



Villa in Ariano Irpino

Shortsightedness, by now , it is spreading more and more in almost all the countries in the world, reaching, in some of them, very high peaks, so that researchers have to deal this worrying problem.

Shortsightedness diffusion rate reached 90% values in teenagers and young adults from China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It is not better in west, in fact in USA shortsightednesspredominance has gone from 25% to 40% in last 20 years, and in Europe this is following the same growth trend. Which are the causes of this event, and how can we retain it?

As it is commonly known, the shortsighted eye’s difficulty is in vision from far away , to the detriment of a good vision from close distance. This refractive defect is caused by the major length of the eye, whereby the images are being developed before retina, causing out of focus vision from far distance.

The progressive increase of shortsightedness prevalence, induced the scientific research to study the event and in few years the researchers have understood the causes. The studies have been about the various correction methods (glasses with bifocal or progressive lenses, contact lenses, and medicines).

To spend more time in open air during the childhood protects eyes against shortsightedness, as shown by the working equipe of Donald Mutti at Optomerty College from Ohio State University in 2007 and by Kathryn Rose from University of Sidney, the following year. Even if processes aren’t still so clear, this protective effect is due to simple sun exposure that encourages the dopamine release, slowing the ocular bulb growth.

Deeper studies carried out in China, Australia and Taiwan in the schools where daily activities at open air were introduced during school time, showed that kids who spend more time in open air, are protected against occurrence of shortsightedness.

From theory to practise, the passage is tough. The first attempts made inAustralia, came out to be a sort of failure because families cannot handle in an adequate way the time to be spent at open air. To solve the problem, the matter could be given to schools, that would introduce in their programs the activities to be done in open air, to alternate to those done in closed spaces.

This solution will bring many benefits, starting from the physical activities incentive, to body reinforcement, to reduction of children obesity.


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ottica scauzillo

Blue eyes and alcoholism - Comments (0)

occhio azzurro e alcolismo

According to the result of an American survey, people with bright eyes has 54% of chances more, to suffer from alchool addiction, with respect to those who have dark eyes. For those who have blue eyes, the percentage is up to 80%. The cause is a correspndance between the genes that regulate the colour and thos ethat influence the addictions.

Blue eyes have always been an inspirating source for artists. But, as we already know, people with blue eyes have not an easy life: blue iris ( and grey) is more delicate and more predisposed to uveal melanoma.

According to a survey made by american researchers from Vermont University, published on specialized magazine American Journal of Medical Genetics, blue eyes and alcoholism, that apparently are poles apart, would really be linked. The survey involved 1263 volunteers of european origin, 992 of them with alcoholism diagnosis .By studying the incidence of this pathology, it came out that people with bright eyes have experienced an alcoholism rate of 54% more tahn people with dark eyes, with a peak of 80% for subjects with blue eyes.

The cause should be due to a correspondance between the genes that regulate the colours and those that influence the addictions. The test has been repeated fr three times more, to net of factors as age, geographical origin and sex: the result is always been the same. According to american researchers, there will be still needed further studies to make a deeper study, but, if the result will be confirmed, eyes colour could be inserted within the predictive factors for alcoholism diagnosis.


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ottica scauzillo