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Blog posts of '2016' 'January'

The non- surgery treatment of cataract - Comments (0)

Cataract is responsible of more than the half of blindness in the world ; it hits about 20 millions of people and the only solution, at the moment, is the removal of crystalline through surgery.

But, American and Chinese scientists have provided encourgaing proofs of the potential of a collyrium for the treatment of cataract , that could pass to clinical experimentation in less than one year.

The research,published on magazine  Nature, proves that treatment of cataract with lanosterol, a compound of steroids, can reduce the tissue opacification. the results identify the molecule as a key component in the caratract formation and underline its potential as a non surgery treatment.

The researchers team of  University of California, San Diego (UCSD), sequenced DNA of a certain number of kids affected by congenital cataract, founding mutations in genes linked with production of lanosterol.

Using eyes afftected by cataract taken by rabbits, the researchers discovered that, incubating the crystallin into a solution made of lanosterol for a certain number of days, they could recude its opacity. Collyriums lanosterol based, have been experimented also to imrpove the clairty of lenses in dogs with cataract linked to age.

The production of lanosterol is itself a key passage in cholesterol synthesis,  hormos steroids and Vitamin D. Researchers suggest  that molecule can penetrate into proteins clusters , allowing them to be soluble into the water.

Professor Kang Zhang, from UCSD, referred to Nature: "Our study is the first to show that lanosterol ( and its correlated compounds) can be a new class of medicines devoted to prevention and cure of cataract" .

He , the, added: "Considered that lanosterol is a molecule produced by our body, the problem of toxicity of a medicine will be minimum or void. So, I foresee that we will start the clinical experimentations for the treatment of cataract within one year."

We are sure that science progresses will bring us to solve difficult problems with less invasive solutions and more decisive.

Let's keep on supporting the research and development today for a better future tomorrow.



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The right lenses for your smartphone ZEISS DigitalLenses - Comments (0)

We really cannot live without them, we can forget everything, but not our  smartphone. There is all our life within. The important is to recognize that htere are potential damaging effects for our eyes and that we can do something about it by wearing the right pair of lenses.

As any other thing, the rule of the right compromise is worth to be applied. To spent a lot of time in fornt of our phone, tablet, or computer, has soem consequences on our eyes health.

Unavoidably digital devices are part of our lives so, we cannot help knowing how to defend ourselves from damaging effects.

If you are one of the many, who, at the end of the day , feel the consequences of blue light, a fundamental remedy can be in the choice of the right pair of lenses.

ZEISS created a lens designed for those who began to feel the first bothers of near vision and who spend often, many hours in front of digital devices. Hypothetically, if you are in an age among 30-40 years old, this can be interesting for you.

With ZEISS Digital Lenses we can keep a relaxed vision at the end of the day , even after a long working day in fron of computer.

The use of digital devices, fro those who have the first bothers with near vision, can provoke some damages to eyes. First of all for the strong fatiguing due to the fast change of vision to various distances, from near, to far, to interediate, and so, to accommodation stress , that, with time, can disappear and there is possibility of intervening with glasses. Second point, for all the already known damaging effects of blue light (read article: What is blue light? ) with which we have to cope every day .

Why continue to strain trying to posticipate the problem? With ZEISS Digital Lenses you can dramatically reduce fatigue and weariness of your eyes.

Address to your trustworthy optician , certified ZEISS, and ask for lenses born in digital era to fight against problems that nowadays world places.

Sight is aserious matter, take care of it.



Read also: 

 Progressive lenses #6 fast Comfort

Dry eye.To prevent it's better than to cure 

My discomfort with lenses 

6 reasons to use polarized sun lenses.


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zeiss lenses

Eyes care after the age 50 - Comments (0)

Starting from the age of 50 and in senior age, sight tests should become constant, due to the higher incidence of diseases as cataract, glaucoma and senior macular degeneration.

Cataract is a progressive opacification of the natural crystalline, that is the lens within the eye used for the focusing of images. The most frequent symptom is represented by a reduction of visual capacity or foggy vision and diagnosis is always made by an eye doctor.

Nowadays the only therapy is represented by surgery.  It is realized in day-hospital and natural crystalline opaque, is replaced by an artificial crystalline that is named intra-ocular lens. In those last years new and sophisticated intra ocular lenses have been experimented, as for example, multifocal lenses that allow patiens to see at far and at near distances and , finally, the toric lenses that can correct astigmatism.


In this age group, can appear also other diseases, such as, amongst the most important, the senior macular degeneration that is the first cause of low vision in industrialized countries . it is about a serious and progressive desease of the central part of retina, named macula, that is designed to distinct vision and determines, in time, a progressive reduction of sight, so, in this case also, is fundamental the prevention and precocious diagnosis, to evaluate the therapeutical possibilities.

In this age group , after the age of  50 and, above all in senior age, we recommend to be subjected to controls every two years if no symptoms appear, or, according to what eye doctors indicate.



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