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Blog posts of '2015' 'September'

Here it comes an app for blind people - Comments (0)

aipoly app

Developed at Singularity University by the Italian 22 years old Alberto Rizzoli and by Marita Cheng, 26 years Aipoly is an app dedicated to blind people.

What is Aipoly

It is a personal smart assistant Ethat allows blind people or visually impaired to know what is around them, through simple photos and an excessive audio output . After the snapshot, the image is charged on the app server and is tagged and studied. Then, the result is given to the user as text or audio.

Therefore Aipoly, allows people with visual deseases to reconstruct imagesa lot more detailed and faithful to reality

To whom is addressed Aipoly? To 285 million of blind people and visually impaired in the world, that, in short times, can come back to " see" the world around them and have again a movement authonomy.

"We thought that, creating an algorithm capable of drawing the images of what is around them " explains Alberto" the user would have at his disposal an innovative and effective guide . Each user would recognize if there are obstacles alonlg the street ( statues, bushes, fences, trees or other impediment on the way) becoming more independent.In this way he would not have to count necessarily on other people. " 

Waiting for official tests ,Alberto e Marita involved more than one hundred blind people in developping of their project.  and, thanks to their positive sensations,the app reached an high dvelopping level " but, as all innovations in this sector, it will take a lot of tieme to reach more important goals".

Illustrative video to this link:


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ottica scauzillo

Prevention is better than a cure - Comments (1)

ocular prevention

Sight is a supreme necessity.A rooted concept, but it's a well habit to be repeated.

The thing we often ignore, is that there are many phases in our eyes' life that request all our attention just because we usually give them an inadequate importance.

In the age from three to twenty years it is always suitable to recommend repeated visual check -ups because we are in a period in which eyes compromising is high and the most common visual defects can increase . As, for example, short-sightening.

Short-sightening, as the most common visual defects , as astigmatism and farsightedness, oblige to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Furthermore,the third decade of life ( sometimes also before)  is characterized by starting of keratoconus. Kerathoconus is a pathology that affects every year 50 people on 100.000 and it is a desease linked to a structural weakness of cornea that progressivley tends to tire out slowly, assuming the shape of a cone.

In this case therapy foresees the use of special glasses, named aberrometric, and particular kind of contact lenses.

Until some time ago, the alternative in some difficult cases was cornea transplant , today we have the possibility of supplying a laser therapy, called cross linking that allows to reinforce the cornea structure.

So, it is fundamental to make eye visit if vision becomes out of focus , if we have difficulties in seeing far or near and if symptoms like burning sensation , or of foreign body , or excessive tearing appear. Check-ups will become yearly if in presence of  clear visual athologies or defects  , every two/ three years in absence of symptoms.

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ottica scauzillo