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Blog posts of '2015' 'September'

8 easy ways to protect your eyes’ health - Comments (0)

eyes' health

To ensure an optimal visual wellness to our eyes it is possible thanks to some slight easy daily gestures which contribute to ensure a health vision.

  1.      Know the visual health state of your family: Talk to your parents about the history on health state of eyes. It is important to know if someone has been diagnosed a visual disease , because many of them are inherited. This will help you to know if you are or not predisposed to insurgence of any disease so to act with prevention to try to stop the insurgence.
  2.      Eat well to protect the sight. Did you know that carrots are good for your eyes ? in general, to make a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly those with green leaves or the dark green, as spinach, cabbage or beet , are important elements that can ensure a healthy quality of life for you and your eyes. Research, furthermore showed that we can meet benefits for our eyes by eating fish rich in omega 3 as salmon and tuna.
  3.      Keep a healthy weight. Be overweight increases the possibility of incurring into diabetes and systemic degenerative conditions that can bring very serious damages to your life, as for example, from diabetic retinopathy to glaucoma, until loss of sight. In case of problems of keeping in shape, over the limits, check the situation with a doctor.
  4.      Stop smoking, or, don’t begin . Smoking is so dangerous for your eyes, as for your whole body. Research has connected smoke to increase of risk in developing macular degeneration connected to age as cataract, damages to optic nerve, each of them can bring to blindness.
  5.      Be ‘cool’ and wear glasses that represent you. Glasses, above all sunglasses, are a fashion accessory, but their most important work is to protect eyes form UV rays of the sun. When buying sunglasses, look for those that stop for 99 to 100% both UV-A and UV-B rays.
  6.      Give your eyes a pause. If many hours are spent in front of computer or concentrating on something, sometimes we forget about focusing and eyes tend to be fatigued. Try the rule 20-20-20 : every 20 minutes, keep away the eyes from computer and look to something in at 20 meters in front of you for 20 seconds. This can help to reduce the eye fatiguing and keep them lubricated and healthy in time.
  7.      Clean your hands and the contact lenses box. To avoid risk of infection , clean well your hands before wearing or removing contact lenses . Be sure of disinfect contact lenses according to instructions and replace them according to cases.
  8.     Demand a safe environment for your eyes on workplace. The employer has to give to his workers a safe workplace. When necessary, wear protective glasses to do your work safely, be used to wear the appropriate kind in every moment and encourage your colleagues to do same


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ottica scauzillo


It's true: studying makes us shortsighted! - Comments (0)


Many mums are doubtless: if in primary school their son has to wear glasses the fault is due to tablets and videogames . Some of them think that this is due to adversity of children in eating fruit and vegetables: less vitamins make it impossible to focus.

But.. what truly causes short-sighting? The  “accused” have changed throughout the years. One hundred years ago , refers a recent study on scientific magazine Perspective in Public Health , the most believed theory was that of light shortage in schools, the, in Sixties there was the hypotesis of decisive power of genetics, so, it was not possible to proceed in any way to solve the defect. Nowadays, again we gave importance to environment, not under-evaluating how much familiarity matters.

Genes create the prerequisite to cause the defect: if mom or dad don’t see well from long distance , probably their son also will have to wear glasses. Said this, the involvement of some environmental factors seems certain : the closely work, for example, makes the eye shortsighted.

To keep books and exercise books so close to the nose, as often children and kids make when they study, facilitate the appearance of defect: in fact, many Asian populations, generally predisposed to short-sighting, the defect is closely linked to scholarship grade.

Are Tablet and computer really a menace to sight? Not more than books, but in front of a videogame time flies, and we spend hours, not minutes, with eyes focused on a point which is too close. This is what makes short- sighted , so, the only possible prevention , considered that to study is a duty and to avoid the use of computer is utopia, is to make children keep their eyes at least at 30 centimeters far from the sheet or the screen, inviting them to stay more at open air, considered that limited horizons of closed spaces don’t allow sight to be exercised to focus from far distances.

Are the vitamin supplements necessary? A various and equilibrate nutrition is more than sufficient to give to children what is needed and necessary for eyes health : it is enough to eat a bit of green leaves vegetables to have lutein , whilist fruit with blue peel as blueberry give the necessary anthocyanins and with a bit of almonds and walnuts give a good dose of fat acids omega 3.


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ottica scauzillo

Today's world has been drawn to strain our sight - Comments (0)

digital device

Even not knowing it, nowadays, in 21st century ,most of things we do every day is really compromising our  vision in a way that is worse than we can imagine!


And, it's worth saying, - when our vision is compromised,can bring to chronic pain, injuries,and to accelerate the aging process of our body! 

The most obvious and bad practice is, without any doubt, our modern and daily office work.

If we sit down in front of a computer for 8-10 hours per day , we are putting our sight in an outright "visual cage". We stare at the display every day, from the same distance for the whole day and it is the same " box" that we lookt at , day by day.

Without saying more, let's imagine of going through a tunnel every day, from our eyes to the display.

In every sphere and circumstance concerning our health in general, it would be good to be equipped with adequate tools  and new habits to cope with  every change or evolution that our body is forced to bear.

And, it is why we do not ensure to our eyes the " training" they need ... we starve daily our every from peripherical vision, in different colors and depth.

In fact, the only time we look at distance ,paradoxically is when we are on our way back home !

But, it gets worse ...

When we come back home, what do we look at ?  flat screen tviPhone or iPad? Or TV in our bedroom before sleeping?


Overall, our field of vision in modern life is forced and installed in many and various 2 visual boxes" 

Finally,we are not using completely our eyes, from peripheral range, to perception of depth until color contrast, in substance, all these skills begin to atrophy, it is time to get up and begin to take the rigth precautions.


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ottica scauzillo