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With closed eyes memory works better

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memoria e occhi chiusi

According to a study published on Legal and Criminological Psychology, by researchers of University of Surrey di Guildford (United Kingdom), to close eyes stimulates memory and it helps to remember with greater precision the details of a moment.

The research, divided in two phases, involved 178 volunteers : during first phase the participants watched a movie, and, afterwards, they replied to 17 questions about it. Before the interview, the subjects  had been divided into 4 groups: the first had to reply with eyes open, the second with eyes closed, the third established a friendly relationship with the interviewer, the fourth didn't.

It came out that those who replied with eyes closed and those who established a relationship with the interviewer, supplied about 75% of the correct answers, while the others only 41% .

During the second phase, it has bee asked to the participants to report what they had listened during the fake crime scene. Once more, those who replied with eyes closed and those who had established a good relationship with interviewer, supplied more details.

So, the experiments show that , to close the eyes or feeling at ease during an examination or a simple question, improves the possibilities of remebering an event. " To close the eyes helps, because it eliminates distractions" , explains Robert Nash, that has guided the study, he adds also that to close the eyes it helps not only to visualize an event, but also to remeber the sounds.


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