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Vision as a primary necessity

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visione bene primario

The eye is the sensory organ par excellance, it allows human beings and other living beings to communicate with external world: to see, as we have observed throughout history, has had a fundamental importance due to the surviving sense that throughout centuries allowed human being's evolution and his handing on what he had done for future generations, with the aim to preserve and provide that sense of continuity of species that is the basis of life's sense on this planet.

Maybe, for these reasons also, due to the deep anatomical- physiological relationship between eye - mind and brain, the sight organ has always been so fascinating, not only from a  medical- scietifical point of view, but also keeping a mystical and misterious aurea. 

Just think to what we can observe every day, to what we can appreciate,compare, to immediately realize how amazing the world of vision is and of what it respresents for us throughout our existence: think about the privilege of appreciate the colors, a physiological element almost exclusively reserved to mankind and only to some animal species as birds, reptiles, fishes, insects, but not to the most of mammals,included monkeys that keep a rudimental chromatic vision and for some speices is even absent. 

Those remarks of general aspects should allow people to understand how precious is the seeing and how important is the protect the sight organ, with every effort, with every scientifical cognition and above all with every means, although through going out of severe and interpretative narrow mindedness of " sacred texts", that, as all the literary works written by man are the representation of mankind in a particular and precise historical moment, a static photo of that moment with all the limits and possibilieties that belonged to it. Evolution goes fast, to get adapted to modern times has become an hard and stimulating matter .


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ottica scauzillo

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