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How do new-born develop sight

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From their first months of life, newborn babies develop, even if non completely, the sight organ.


Let's see in detail the various phases of development of sight for newborn babies: 


It could seem strange, but it is sufficient to think that, already from  seventh month , fetus can already distinguish some bright stimulus that come from the outside.



From first weeks of life,  instead, nevertheless eyes are still in developping phase, sight of newborn can already distinguish the maternal face.


During first months of life , we assist to the gradual completion of development and functionality of the eye.  Sight in newborn babies will be able to distinguish shapes, faces, colors, focalisation of objects, up to the full forming of the eyes when in the age of 2 years.




vista neonati otticascauzillo Fonte: Sara Trovarelli Gerbini, Medico Chirurgo Oculista




How can we increase development of sight  of the newborn babies?


With a little bit of creativity and wit, we will be able to find some efficient and easy to realize methods.


First of all we can think of some figures of small animals to be realized in colored pewter material , and to be located in the pram : the color of this tissue will help children to develop sight and they will be fun at the same time.


When growing up,our children will begin to discover shapes and tridimentionality of objects, thanks to the developing of  sense of depth, when at the age of 10 months.


In this lapse of time, children will discover that objects have not only one face, but many faces, and that can exist different figures, with different sides.



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