Your new lenses have been manufactured considering on your visual needs; following our advices you will fastly be at ease with new glasses.
- Wear them throughout the day for the first two weeks. If you wear and un wera them you will never get used to them.
- Always wear the new glasses. if you wer the old ones, this will cause useless eye fatigue: they have to make the double exercise.
-Always turn the head in the direction you wish to look at . If you onòly turn the eyes, you risk of not using the visual area of
- Within 4 weeks of use, the maximum comfort is reached. For any request, please, do not hesitate to contact us , we are at your disposal to offer you the best solution.
- In case of hits, we are th eonly people thsat can regulate in a correct way your frame. Do this by yourself can be useless or damaging.
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