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Comfort in digital world

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digital world

Thanks to devices as smartphones, tablets, laptops and TVs, we do business, we learn and relax, from early morning until late night. Research has shown that more than a third of adults spends 4 to 6 hours a day with digital devices, while 14% even 10-12 hours a day (results VisionWatch - The Vision Council

There is a downside, however: all these hours spent on digital screens put a strain on the eyes and their health.

We use them at short distance, and our eyes are constantly forced to move from images, illustrations, to texts, also at high speed. This generates many troubles.

Most of digital devices in fact, emanate blue light, also known as light visible at high energy.

Even if blue light is a natural phenomenon, it is present, for example, in daylight and it helps us to be awake; but overexposure can cause eye weariness, sight disorders and insomnia.

When the blue light hits the crystalline, it refracts and forces the eye to a continuous focusing .To correct this problem people compensate by winking, with consequent visual stress.

The most frequent complaints and their causes are:

  • Redness and eye irritation: happens because we stare at backlit screens for long time period
  • Eye dryness: due to less lubrication, due to less “ eyelashes bat ”
  • Weariness: due to excessive blue light exposure and to effort in seeing small characters and images
  • Dim vision: due to screen brightness
  • Pain to back, neck, and shoulders : due to incorrect posture and irregular position of monitor
  • Insomnia: caused by overexposure to light blue
  • Headache: due to excessive eye weariness

It is important to prevent these complaints and maintain healthy eyes, through:

  • Exact distance between eyes and screen: keep the computer and portable devices just under eye level so that vision angle will not be over 35 degrees
  • Dazzling reduction: regulate  screen brightness and prefer feeble settings in favor of bright white, to keep a weak environmental enlightenment  , avoiding that daylight reflects on screen; clean the screen frequently to avoid reflexes
  • Correction of personal habits :avoid to fix the screen for too much , so that ayes will not dry, bat more frequently eyelashes to focus, make regular pauses and look away from the screen at least for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  • Use of relevant eyeglasses: choose antiglare treatment, that reduce dazzling of lights present in office and external lighting, so to improve contrast and relax the eye.
  • Consider a special treatment that protects from effects of blue light, that are damaging, emanated by digital screens.

BlueControl by Hoya ( allows our eyes to work at better conditions, offering a more relaxing and comfortable vision and a natural perception of colors, because it lessens eye weariness and improves the contrast.

For more serious problems it is necessary to consult a specialist, to get into the habit of consulting the ophthalmologist at least once per year.


ottica scauzillo

Source: Economic Times

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