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Google X: a contact lens for diabetics

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google smart lens

Google ensures for itself the patent for contact lenses that can monitor the sugar level in blood for diabetic patients. With surprise, they can make their debute earlier than planned.

The project started by Google X, research centre of Google, aimed to the realization of  “smart” contact lenses seems to be at the heart. In ealry 2014, Google announced the study of a new kind of contact lens, destined to diabetic patients ; it is about a lens that, due to sensors placed within, can constantly and in a non invasive way, monitor the glycemia level in blood, through lacrimal fluid analysis . A technology that is under sperimental phase, but, thta thnaks to cooperation with Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, division Alcon, coual debut before 2019, earlier than expected .


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Ospite 14/01/2021 08:54
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