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Glaucoma: how to defend ourselves

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An eyes desease that compromises progressively and slowly the sight. Very often, glaucoma does not cause symptoms and you notice of being affected only when it's too late. Fortunately, a premature diagnosis and the right therapies, can stop the evolution of this desease and reduce the damages at their minimum.

In Italy, about two millions of people are affected by glaucoma, a pathology distinguished by the increase of intra-ocular pressure 

Within the eyeball del bulbo oculare, it flows a liquid, so called  umor aqueo : its function is to "nourish" eye structure. it circulates continuosly within the eyeball pouring out through dedicated ways ; when these flowing ways obstruct, the link between umor aqueo produced and the one leimaed, it grows , and, as a consequence, the pressure qithin eyeball increases.

If this increase is high, or for too long, it can damage the optic nerve.

This leads to a progressive reduction of visual field, that, at the beginning, it affects only side vision, and, if it's not soon treated, can compromise once for all the sight.

Glaucoma affects above all people over 40s and its incidence, grows with growing of age . Further risking factors are represented by some deseases as ocular hypertension, short-sightedness, diabetis, and, last but not least, cases of familiarity pathology.


All glaucoma cases,  except the inborn species, are preventibles. For thsi reason, the premature prevention is fundamental . Though a simple eye exam, infact, it is possible to intervene in time to stop or to delimit the desease progression, before that permanent damages occurr.

For thsi reason, over forties, it is suggested to undergo to eye exam at least once every 2 years.

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